Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What you really want to say to mom...

“Sorry, Mom!”
is a collection of photos with corresponding text, documenting everything you couldn’t, didn’t want to, or never had the chance to say to your mother. Here's the text that goes along with the picture above.

I’m sorry I made you stand in the snowy, Midwest cold. You’re such a pretty moms and I’ve exploited your early morning face before coffee, which isn’t fair at all. And you’re such a stylish moms and I’ve made a mockery of your bedhead. But you did it all for me without question — and would do it again — because you’re the best mom I could ever ask for in the whole wide world.

So, so great. Sappy, I know, but great.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

oh the fabrics!

Which beautiful fabric to choose??

These are some of the beautiful fabrics I found on Etsy whilst looking for upholstery fabric...
Now to is tough:)
Click on the fabrics for a link to the wonderful stores they are sold at!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

For your viewing pleasure...

Two wonderful reality/documentaries that need to be seen by all. Frontier House, the PBS version of a reality show teaches American history in a competition to survive the Montana wilderness Oregon Trail style. Beautiful and captivating. The 7UP documentaries is an amazing look into the lives of people starting from age seven in 1964, and now they are 49. Amazing and Brilliant.